Heart Disease Specialist
Coho Medical Group
Internist located in Bellevue, WA
Many patients today want something more than the basic medical care that they’ve been getting. Coho Medical Group in Bellevue, WA offers Direct Primary Care/Concierge Medicine that makes getting medical care easier.
Heart Disease Q & A
Heart disease refers to a group of cardiovascular diseases. The main type of heart disease is coronary heart disease, a blood vessel disorder that can result in heart attacks. Heart disease is a very serious condition, and it requires ongoing treatment. When a person has heart disease, they can’t cure their disease but they can manage it very effectively with the help and guidance of an experienced physician.
People who are at risk for heart disease tend to have multiple risk factors. Some common risk factors include bad eating habits, being overweight or obese, lack of physical activity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, a family history of heart disease, and age. Many of the risk factors for heart disease can be controlled, thus it is especially important for anyone with these risk factors to have their health closely monitored by a physician.
Heart disease treatment should begin as soon as a patient is diagnosed with heart disease. In the beginning, the treatment may consist primarily of lifestyle changes. Patients will need to make some big changes to stay healthy, including eating a low-sodium and low-fat diet. Exercise is also very important, and patients should normally aim to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day. Patients who smoke and drink alcohol should make an effort to stop both habits. For some people, the lifestyle changes will make a major difference and will help keep the heart disease from growing worse. However, many people will require medication to help them manage their heart disease. For people with advanced heart disease, surgery may be necessary. The doctor will consult with each patient to create a custom plan for heart disease treatment.
At Coho Medical Group, we accept Premera Blue Cross, Regence Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, First Choice and Health Net. For any patient that is seeking more hands on, long term access to a doctor, we also offer a membership service called Direct Primary Care. If you have any questions about our insurance or our pricing, please call our office at 425-458-7352 to see how we can best serve you.