Narcotic Addiction Treatment Specialist
Coho Medical Group
Internist located in Bellevue, WA
Many patients today want something more than the basic medical care that they’ve been getting. Coho Medical Group in Bellevue, WA offers Direct Primary Care/Concierge Medicine that makes getting medical care easier.
Narcotic Addiction Treatment Q & A
Narcotic addiction treatment is a multi-step process. This type of treatment is personalized based on the needs of each patient. The intake process consists of an initial consultation with the doctor to determine if the patient is appropriate for outpatient office based therapy or needs a higher level of care first. There are usually several blood tests that will be performed and an initial urine drug screen too. If outpatient therapy is appropriate, the patient will be given an initial prescription as well as instructions for home induction before they leave the office. There will be several follow-up phone calls in the subsequent days to determine how the induction on the new medication is going and how to adjust the dosage if needed. For more information or to sign up for our Narcotic Addiction Treatment, please visit the Bellevue Suboxone Clinic Website.
Suboxone is highly regulated by the DEA, In the beginning of the narcotic addiction treatment process, you will need a follow-up appointment at least every 1-2 weeks until stabilized and have proven compliance with the treatment plan and drug screening protocols. During this time the doctor will make sure the patient’s health is stable. If any adjustments to the Suboxone dosage are needed, those alterations will be made during these visits. The doctor and staff are always available to provide support, answer questions, and help guide the patient through their recovery during this time. A subsequent phone call after the initial consultation will be included to see how the patient is doing with the initial dosing regimen prescribed for the induction process.
Once the ideal dosage of Suboxone is found, the patient will move into the general maintenance part of the narcotic addiction recovery plan. When a patient is taking a consistent regular dose of Suboxone, their cravings will have largely abated and they’ll begin to feel better overall. The patient may start to have less frequent visits at this point. Monthly or even bimonthly visits, with random drug testing, may be possible at the discretion of your physician once compliance with the treatment program has been established.
Please see the Bellevue Suboxone Clinic website for more details or call the office about the cash versus insurance options.
At Coho Medical Group, we accept Premera Blue Cross, Regence Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, First Choice and Health Net. For any patient that is seeking more hands on, long term access to a doctor, we also offer a membership service called Direct Primary Care. If you have any questions about our insurance or our pricing, please call our office at 425-458-7352 to see how we can best serve you.